1 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA
It is a paradox that with the advent of the gold standard, owning
ingots of gold was banned in the US. The protagonist of this move was FDR
who had an affinity for economic tinkering, a connoisseur of mercantilism.
The economy went into a stupor but government censors muted
the news. Heirloom gold ownership was OK and people dissemble a lot
to get around the rules.
2 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA
It is an oddity that with the coming of the gold standard, owning
gold bars was banned in the US. The lead actor of this move was FDR
who had an fondness for economic tinkering, a disciple of mercantilism.
The economy went into a swoon but government watchdogs softened
the news. Oldly held gold ownership was OK and people lied a lot
to get around the rules.
1 Vocabulary Story 966 The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome
Right before the incipient fall of Rome, a triumvirate ruled the
breadth of the empire.
There were cabals with contorted ulterior motives; rebellions
proliferated. Narcissism was definitely a factor. Rash decisions limited
the production of needed munitions.
2 Vocabulary Story 966 The Fumbles Before the Fall of Rome
Right before the about to occur fall of Rome, a 3 person team ruled the
width of the empire.
There were plots with twisted hidden agendas; rebellions
multiplied. Self-centeredness was definitely a factor. Hasty unthought out decision
limited the production of needed war materials.
1 Vocabulary Story 969 The Movie Visions
The movie Visions is a paregyric to Hildagar of Bingham. It
is set in the end of the first millennium, 1000 AD. It was a world of
nepotism and demagogues, were people paid homage to military power.
Hildagar was somewhat incongruous to this world, stigmatized
by her love of learning. She reviled self mutilation for religious
devotion; thought to be only a pecadillo then.
She studied art and semantics and became the Abbess of a new nunnery.
2 Vocabulary Story 969 The Movie Visions
The movie Visions is a hymn of praise to Hildagar of Bingham. It
is set at the turn of 1000 AD. It was a world of favors to family and friends
and rabble rousers, were people respected only military power.
Hildagar was somewhat out of place in this world, made suspect by
by her love of learning. She criticized self harm for religious
piety; thought to be only a minor fault then.
She studied art and word meaning and became the head of a new nunnery.
1 Vocabulary Story 970 The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities
U.S. cities have become squalid with impecunious residents. Diverse
criminals skulk and impulsively hurt others. Drug addicts laze in
stupors in sultry tenements. Old people are euthanized when they can’t
pay for nursing homes.
The constituencies are tricked to continue to vote in Democrats,
who abuse them. These Democrats are more interested in gemology than
the cities.
2 Vocabulary Story 970 The Desperate Plight of U.S. Cities
U.S. cities have become foul with impoverished residents. Various
criminals prowl and hurt others at a whim. Drug addicts lay in
a daze in hot damp tenements. Old people are killed when they can’t
pay for nursing homes.
The voters are tricked to continue to vote in Democrats,
who mistreat them. These Democrats are more interested in gems than
the cities.
1 Vocabulary Story 961 What kept Beethoven Going
People rhapsodize Beethoven’s music. He scioned a new style of
music. However; he was deliberately slandered in his own
time. It is amazing how he stayed sedate with all those negative critiques
and provocations.
His own art had an innate impenetrable power and satisfaction that kept him
2 Vocabulary Story 961 What kept Beethoven Going
People enthusiastically praise Beethoven’s music. He gave birth to a new style
of music. However; he was intentionally defamed in his own time.
It is amazing how he stayed calm with all those negative reviews
and taunts.
His own art had an internal untouchable power and satisfaction that kept him
1 Vocabulary Story 964 How Germany Fighter Pilots were Pampered
German Fighter pilots in World War Two led an imperial modus
vivendi. They were frankly impudent with their servants.
Orders emanated from Berlin to give them draconian powers, to enfranchise
them on issues of the war. They seemed indefatigable with their big
powerful planes. Yet they were querulous and would jettison at the
first sign of trouble.
2 Vocabulary Story 964 How Germany Fighter Pilots were Pampered
German Fighter pilots in World War Two led a noble life style.
They were bluntly rude with their servants.
Orders were issued from Berlin to give them drastic powers; to give them a
vote them on issues of the war. They seemed invincible with their big
powerful planes. Yet they were complaining and would bail out at the
first sign of trouble.
1 Vocabulary Story 963 How the Pirates were Destroyed
One winces to think of the pirates. Concurrent influences caused
motley crews to join in a nonpartisan way to traumatize trade and travel
on the sea. They even talked in their own violent pirate jargon.
This fomented the British Navy to fight against them until they
dissipated and became a nonentity.
2 Vocabulary Story 963 How the Pirates were Destroyed
One cringes to think of the pirates. Simultaneous influences caused
oddly mixed crews to join in an independent way to terrorize trade and travel
on the sea. They even talked in their own violent pirate language.
This caused the British Navy to fight against them until they
melted away and became a thing of little importance.
1 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star
The rock star was actually jocular and unassuming. He was also
improvident. Gadfly fans bivouaced in front of his mansion descried
him in his filigree jackets.
He had been an advocate of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big
hits. The internet and digital music scotched his career.
2 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star
The rock star was actually funny and modest. He was also
a spendthrift. Annoying fans camped in front of his mansion made him out
him in his bejeweled jackets.
He had been an practitioner of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big
hits. The internet and digital music ended his career.
1 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Secret Project
Frank Lloyd Wright mustered a following to his architecture school.
There was bonhomie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all
memoir recently published.
In an experimental clandestine house abutting his main residence,
were deliberate elements that overrode the building codes. It shows
verve and inventiveness concomitant with great genius. Wright worked
on productively into his doddering old age.
2 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lyold Wright’s Secret Project
Frank Lloyd Wright gathered a following to his architecture school.
There was friendly camaraderie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all
memoir recently published.
In an experimental secret house adjoining his main residence,
were purposeful elements that overruled the building codes. It shows
flair and inventiveness that comes with great genius. Wright worked
on productively into his feeble old age.
There are ten random vocabulary words.
Try to make a story.
Then see my story and paraphrase of it.I was able to make a story about Lawrence of Arabia a character from World War One on the Middle Eastern Front.
1 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs
In New York City, archaic cumbersome horse trolleys were used
well into the 20th century. Fastidiously dressed owner operators of
the lines were aquiasitive and suppressed newer technologies such
as the subways. The rambunctuous growth of the city called for a change
in the old moribund technology of the use of horses.
A resilient populous denouced the execrable greed of the owners.
They were maligned in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was
severed was the tipping point.
2 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs
In New York City, outmoded cumbsy horse trolleys were used
well into the 20th century. Impeccably dressed owner operators of
the lines were greedy and held back newer technologies such
as the subways. The out of control growth of the city called for a change
in the old dead technology of the use of horses.
A spirited populous said bad things about the hateful greed of the owners.
They were called out in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was
cut off was the tipping point.
1 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces
In WW2, American overt island landing attempts were rebuffed
by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The piquant smell of gunfire
floated along the shores. This mortified the generals, who made profane
comments about the situation.
A better system, bolstered by subsidiary fire from naval guns had
better success. Isolated units could disperse by guile during the night,
making progress inland.
2 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces
In WW2, American telegraphed island landing attempts were thrown back
by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The sharp smell of gunfire
floated along the shores. This embarrassed the generals, who made salty
comments about the situation.
A better system, supplemented by secondary fire from naval guns had
better success. Individual units could scatter by stealth during the night,
making progress inland.
1 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs
An outgrowth of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th
century was dismay. Hordes of immigrants had the city tottering
on the edge of anarchy. In anguish, leaders were skeptical; thinking
the city was predestined to ruin. Torpid solutions were tried, the
rational being to patch things up.
Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like pontiffs to pronounce
bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues.
2 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs
An result of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th
century was shock. Droves of immigrants had the city wobbling
on the edge of lawlessness. In pain, leaders were doubtful; thinking
the city was fated to ruin. Weak solutions were tried, the
idea being to patch things up.
Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like prophets to pronounce
bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues.
In this computer program you are given sentences with an adverbial clause
such as:
Wherever there is supermarket there is a parking lot.
The required comma is left out like above.
To be right, you put the mouse in the space were a comma should go and type a comma.
The comma appears and Right! appears, then the sentence turns green with the correct spacing such as:
Wherever there is supermarket, there is a parking lot.
There are 18 sentences with a variety of adverbial clauses.
1 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language
Some people’s domain is old cars. They diversify into sports cars.
Space is a dilemma as the collecting mania takes hold. These people
are discreet and hypercritical in purchases.
They have a phraseology replete with terms to expostulate about what
is good and unseemly in particular autos.
2 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language
Some people’s province is old cars. They vary their holdings with sports car.
Space is a problem as the collecting frenzy takes hold. These people
are wise and picky in purchases.
They have a jargon filled with terms to argue about what
is good and bad in particular autos.
1 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs
In a morass, a band of marauders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was
captured, inaugurating a life of servile labor, grinding corn like
a mule. Ten years passed and what a revelation! Cohan grew and qualified as a
muscle man with the stereotype big pecs.
The raiders got to rue killing his parents. Cohan identified the
man who had the quirk of using a snake as an emblem. After obloquy
Cohan killed him.
2 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs
In a bog, a band of raiders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was
captured, beginning a life of slave labor, grinding corn like
a mule. Ten years passed and what a sight! Cohan grew and would pass as a
muscle man with the typical big pecs.
The raiders got to regret killing his parents. Cohan identified the
man who had the oddity of using a snake as an insignia. After words
Cohan killed him.
1 Vocabulary Story 850 Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade
It used to be an ordinance that your kin (children) had to follow
your trade as a living. A clown tinted his son’s face and showed him
some zany moves. This was inveterate over generations. A son would
revert to his father’s trade even if it was belittled by society.
Some sons felt impaled by this custom and prevaricated to get out
of it. They let the authorities misconstrue their background to better
2 Vocabulary Story 850 Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade
It used to be an law that your family (children) had to follow
your trade as a living. A clown colored his son’s face and showed him
some funny moves. This was habitual over generations. A son would
fall into his father’s trade even if it was disparaged by society.
Some sons felt nailed by this custom and lied to get out
of it. They let the authorities misunderstand their background to better
1 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster
Al Capone was the predominant gangster of the 1930’s. He was a quasi
celebrity. He transcended ordinary criminals with eclectic skills.
He thought of himself as a figurative Robin Hood, helping people
carping against the authorities. The FBI was an anathema to him. He
loitered around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested
they grilled him. He became tumescent and died there in Sing Sing prison.
2 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster
Al Capone was the foremost gangster of the 1930’s. He was a semi
star. He went beyond ordinary criminals with varied skills.
He thought of himself as a type of Robin Hood, helping people
railing against the authorities. The FBI was poison to him. He
hung around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested
they brutally questioned him. He became swollen and died there in Sing Sing prison.
1 Vocabulary Story 852 The Typical Vampire
It’s a fallacy to delineate vampires a certain way, attributing
stereotypical traits. Not all cringe at a pictorial image of a cross.
Many defer going to bed at the knell of the morning bell. Not all
live in sumptuous surroundings. Garlic is not a universal repellent;
often only being a mild soporific.
A liaison to a vampire tells all in a new tell all book.
2 Vocabulary Story 852 The Typical Vampire
It’s a untruthful to depict vampires a certain way, giving them
all the same characteristics. Not all cower at an image of a cross.
Many delay going to bed at the ring of the morning bell. Not all
live in rich surroundings. Garlic is not a universal repellent;
often only being a mild sleep inducer.
A go between to a vampire tells all in a new tell all book.